The hormonal levels in men, as in women reduce at around the age of 30.
The hormones are in charge of a fundamental role at our body, being responsible for the maintenance of our metabolic structure and the functioning of our body.
Currently, the average life expectancy has increased a lot, being 84 years old for men at the moment.
If with anti-ageing and hormonal therapies we live more, that is already an extra.
The objective is to live with good quality whilst we are alive. Extending life without quality is an exorbitant waste of money.
We live in a society where it is spent numerous resources to extend pain.
There is the need to act towards preventing it.
Our objective is to make life the most functional, productive and pleasant as possible and not only extending the average longevity.
Doing the “hormonal profile” is knowing your state of metabolic functionality, your biological age, your body’s state of ageing, being able to act as early as possible.