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Anti-aging Programme
Promote Health and self-esteem
Hormones are chemical messengers secreted by glands, which travel through the bloodstream to reach the cells where they act upon…
There are various types of headaches and some may be related to hormonal disturbances, which we should all be aware…
I have been wanting to write about this for some time now, especially given the difficulty some doctors have in…
It has been common knowledge for some time now how important diet is to maintaining a balanced immune system, and…
-T4 – T4, when spoken off isolated, it imbibes our hypothalamo-hypophyseal axis so that efficient doses can be achieved. Multiple studies…
For the first time in my life I felt that I was being followed by a doctor who interpreted my health as a whole. I spent a decade in the hands of specialists such as gynecology, endocrinologist and family doctor who individually gave opinions without crossing specialties. When I consulted Dr Ivone, right at the 1st consultation I realized that health was based on prevention, with some simple adjustments in food, lifestyle, supplementation and hormone replacement I started to feel much better and finally managed to find a balance that is reflected in my health and wellness. It changed my life for the better, I’m so grateful, Dr Ivone Mirpuri.
Female, married, mother of one child, lawyer, at the age of 28 I started to have cyclic symptoms of irritability, lack of sleep quality, lack of concentration, twitching, stress, general malaise, successive colds, brittle nails and hair, very dry facial skin, etc. The symptoms worsened over time, and I reached the age of 49, in a state of complete despair, with suicidal tendencies and a compulsion for condensed milk. I regularly consumed a pack of 400ml per day. In 2017, I had my first appointment with Dr.Ivone Mirpuri and started treatment. A year later the change was almost imperceptible, disappointed, I continued because, defeated, I didn’t know any other alternative. Slowly the situation improved. Right now, after almost five years of treatment, I have a life that I consider normal, although, after so many years of suffering, I don’t know what “my normal” is. I know that I owe it to the treatment given by Dr. Ivone Mirpuri, and I am distressed when I think of people who, resigned and kept in ignorance, are unaware of the real causes of their suffering.
In my case I am more than grateful to have started de bioidenticalhormone treatment with dr. Ivonne Mirpuri. I moved to Portugal a year ago. I am from Ecuador. At the moment I was facing a very serious dilemma. I was in a classical hormone replacement treatment and the medicine I was taking was discontinued. In other occasions I tried changing medicines and it never worked. I have to state that a have an autoimmune disease called Addison which attacks the adrenal glands and is rather complicated. Not all medicines work well for me. I started reading about bioidentical hormones in Portugal and found dr. Mirpuri. I am more than happy I did it and more than thankful to her. I am a totally different person now, feeling excellent. We made the transition a year ago and it has been amazing. I totally recommend her treatment.
I have been a patient of Dr Ivone Mirpuri for almost two years. All that I can say is that she changed my life. I have hypothyroidism and I was diagnosed about 10 years ago, since then I suffered immensely from my weight, swelling, depression, lack of energy, despite being medicated with T4, and the exams were always coming up regular. Through a friend who suffered the same despair as me, I met Dr. Ivone Mirpuri. Despite her being in another country, I went there to be treated because my friend recommended her a lot, saying that she had changed her life. When I started being treated by Dr. Ivone, I was about 10 kilos over my regular weight, swollen, depressed, irritated. Dr. Ivone started to prescribe me T3, in addition to vitamins and hormones that made me return to my normal weight and have more energy and disposition, and have my joy in life back. I must say that at the beginning of the treatment I didn’t feel results right away, it was after three months that everything started to improve. I had to do a detox, and let my body recover. But after that, I never suffered like before. The hormones can mess up everything and make a person totally imbalanced not only physically but emotionally. I really don’t have the words to thank Dr. Ivone. She had a patience and affection for me that no other doctor has ever had. Other doctors just took my blood test and although I say I suffered immensely, when they saw my exams they said everything was fine and sent me back home after 15 minutes of consultation. Dr. Ivone gives us all the attention and care we deserve as patients. My life has changed thanks to her being considerate and caring. I recommend to everyone who has hormonal problems that they do their treatment with someone committed and serious as Dr Ivone. Our health is our priority and we cannot leave it in the hands of people who treat us rushing and are not careful. I wish you all the same luck that I had, to have decent treatment, with someone as qualified and committed as Dr. Ivone. Thanks! Moema
Acredito que já tenho problemas de tiróide e falta de Progesterona há muito tempo. Desde meus 20 anos, lembro-me de ter períodos muito fortes e coagulados, cólicas, cansaço extremo, fraqueza, inchaço nos olhos, dificuldade para me concentrar, sono constante e dores pelo corpo.
Os sintomas foram aumentando gradativamente, e aos 31 anos eu já tinha todos os sintomas acima em maior escala, além de começar a perder as sobrancelhas, ter inchaço no rosto todo (sem sequer conseguir abrir os olhos), ver os meus traços faciais alterarem, e comecei a ganhar peso muito rápido. Eu continuava a ir ao ginásio 6 vezes por semana, mesmo que isso significasse cansaço extremo, e fazia dietas malucas com menos de 800 calorias. Em poucos meses, ganhei 18 kilos e entrei em depressão, já que nenhuma mulher gosta de engordar, ainda mais fazendo dietas e exercícios.
Nesta altura eu vivia na Irlanda, e fui inicialmente a uma ginecologista, que diagnosticou miomas uterinos e disse-me que não era para fazer nada a respeito, já que eram benignos. Fui então ao “melhor” endocrinologista da região, que testou o TSH (naquela altura estava em 2.55), o T4 estava no mínimo da referência, e haviam algumas deficiências, como ferro e vitamina D. O tal endocrinologista disse que meus sintomas eram “tudo coisa da minha cabeça”, e que se eu engordei, é porque não estava me exercitando ou fazendo dieta. Disse ainda que eu devia estar comendo às escondidas.
Vi que não tinha qualquer esperança com os serviços médicos na Irlanda, então entrei em uns grupos no Facebook e comecei a estudar sobre modulação hormonal. Pesquisei sobre o serviço em Portugal, e então tive a grande sorte de encontrar a Dra. Ivone Mirpuri. Foram feitas análises completas da tiróide e outras hormonas, e então descobri que eu tinha deficiência de Progesterona, de diversas vitaminas (Ferro, B12, D), e principalmente da hormona T3.
Iniciamos o tratamento em Agosto de 2017, e foram feitos ajustes na dosagem em Dezembro de 2017. Nesta altura eu estava com 34 anos, e desde o início do tratamento, notei alguma melhora no cansaço, e também parei de perder sangue em excesso por conta dos miomas. Após o ajuste em Dezembro de 2017, já comecei a ir novamente ao ginásio e perder um pouco de peso. Meu rosto voltou ao normal, e meu inchaço diminuiu muito. Em Abril de 2018 fiz a cirurgia de retirada dos miomas, e voltei à Dra. Ivone para revermos minha situação e alterarmos o que fosse necessário. Após analisarmos os testes, vimos uma grande melhora na minha situação hormonal, e também constatamos que já perdi 9 kilos em relação à consulta em Agosto de 2017. Estou no caminho certo, e agora só falta perder mais 9 kilos. ?
Aprendi muito com a Dra. Ivone, e tenho consciência de que a minha saúde também depende de mim, pois sou responsável pela minha alimentação e por evitar o stress. Porém sem os conhecimentos da doutora, eu passaria o resto da minha vida em péssima situação de saúde. Só me arrependo de não ter tomado conhecimento da Dra. Ivone muito antes, pois assim evitaria ter perdido tantos anos da minha vida. E estou muito decepcionada com alguns profissionais de endocrinologia que não testam os pacientes corretamente, e ignoram os sintomas como se fossem mentira. São pessoas desatualizadas e sem vontade de estudar, pois ainda usam metodologias totalmente ultrapassadas.
Vejam aqui uma foto de um dia antes da primeira consulta com a Dra. Ivone, e abaixo 1 dia após a segunda consulta em Dezembro de 2017. Como podem ver, já nota-se que o inchaço foi-se embora em apenas 4 meses.
Obrigada Dra. Ivone Mirpuri por mudado a minha vida para muito melhor! Não tenho palavras suficentes para agradecer o que tem feito por mim!
Querida Dra Ivone Mirpuri
Nunca estive tão satisfeita com um tratamento como agora, ando bem e tenho o período sempre regulado.
Nem sei como lhe hei-de agradecer. Andei anos nisto e ninguém percebia que era da tiróide.
Obrigada por tudo. Obrigada por me ter visto, olhado e pensado como um todo.
Querida Dra Ivone,
Costumo dá-la como exemplo, quando quero promover o anti-aging, junto das pessoas que conheço. Até mostro os seus vídeos sendo tão jovem e enérgica e inclusivé um exemplo real da eficácia da sua filosofia de trabalho, para verem como é verdade, “é mesmo eficaz” a Dra Ivone é um exemplo.
Nem acredito que passaram já 10 anos desde que me fez a primeira consulta.
É umas das pessoas mais extraordinárias que conheci ao longo da minha vida e como médica é também extraordinária, o tipo de pessoa e profissional que faz a diferença no mundo. E sim, por favor, ensine outros, muitos outros. Crie muitas “Dras Ivones” por esse mundo fora.
A sua simplicidade, honestidade, compreensão e carinho a par da inteligência e rigor técnico/cientifico fazem-na um exemplo, um modelo para a classe médica. Todos os médicos deviam de ser assim e todos deviam, continuar a estudar e a investigar sempre e de ver o paciente como um todo e não apenas “partes do paciente”. (isto devia de ser a medicina familiar comum todas as pessoas deviam de ter a oportunidade de ter um serviço médico assim)
Espero mesmo continuar a vê-la e a falar consigo, sempre. Obrigada por tudo.
Dearest Ivone,
Thank you so much to have given energy to my life again!
I feel fit and strong as if I was 20 years younger…
I feel great and wanted to thank you so much!
Querida Dra Ivone,
A nossa relação não é apenas a de paciente-médico, mas é muito mais profunda – embora nos encontremos tão pouco. Temos muito carinho e admiração por si, eu e a minha mulher.
Antes de a conhecer, eu tinha um médico que era um mestre.
Ele faleceu e eu levei oito anos para encontrar a Dra Ivone.
Lembro-me da nossa primeira consulta. Eu falei da minha visão acerca da medicina contemporânea, dividida entre médicos-bombeiro por um lado, e a prevenção e manutenção do corpo pelo outro.
Esta última área é nova e implica a ação do paciente na sua própria gestão, tendo o médico como um mestre, um orientador. Nesse quadro, as responsabilidades são mais que partilhadas – elas pesam muito sobre o paciente.
Afinal, como fazer a manutenção de um corpo se não se vive nele?
A medicina antiga, onde o médico ordena cegamente e o paciente obedece se tornou sem sentido. Porque a vida é dinâmica.
A maior parte dos médicos não compreende isso. E não tem paciência.
Galileu dizia, com razão, que jamais ensinamos, apenas aprendemos.
A clínica é um momento de surpresa e reflexão, para os dois lados.
Estou muito feliz de a termos descoberto. Acho mesmo que será muito difícil descobrir alguém outro assim.
As nossas consultas foram se tornando naquilo que deveria de ser a nova relação entre médico e paciente: conhecimento.
É sempre um prazer enorme fazermos as consultas consigo e espero tê-la como nossa médica muitos e muitos mais anos!
Olá Dra. Ivone,
Se jogasse no euro milhões ganhava! No seguimento da minha consulta a semana passada vinha informá-la de que o período me apareceu há 2 dias depois de um ano de muita espera.
Queria imenso agradecer-lhe mais uma vez a sua ajuda e dar-lhe os parabéns por ser a pessoa que é e ver “mais além” do que os outros.
Bom dia Drª Ivone
Fiz o que me aconselhou e a minha filha com muito pouco tempo do tratamento começou a menstruar esta semana.
Ela diz que a Drª Ivone é Mágica!
Muito Obrigada por tudo!
Bom dia Dra. Ivone
Gostaria partilhar consigo uma feliz notícia: finalmente estou grávida!!
Não podia deixar passar este momento sem lhe agradecer do fundo do coração o seu apoio e as suas palavras, que tanta força e coragem me deram em momentos tão necessários. A Dra Ivone é uma médica e uma pessoa extraordinária e eu estou muito grata por tê-la na minha vida.
Um grande beijinho,
A life changer.
I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism in 2015, after several years where symptoms made daily life difficult but doctors consulted back then considered them due to stress or lack of vitamins.
I was initially treated with Eutirox, which worked for the first 6 months. After that I started re-experiencing the same symptoms again – constant fatigue, brain fog, weak memory, body weakness, digestive issues. In the meanwhile I moved to Portugal, and I started researching options and alternatives to treat effectively thyroid diseases. The constant fatigue kept making daily tasks a struggle, I had to take two naps a day, morning and afternoon, as I was falling asleep at work or home. I had no energy for social activities I used to enjoy and all I could think of was resting.
Through reading and researching I had identified bio-identical hormones as a possible solution to my condition, as well as making dietary changing eliminating gluten and lactose from my diet.
I found Dr Mirpuri’s website, read about her approach to thyroid treatment and hormonal conditions and booked an appointment. She changed my thyroid treatment to natural dried thyroid which combines all thyroid hormones, adding after a few months also T3. One month after starting this combined therapy I started seeing significant changes to my conditions. My brain was clear, memory improved, no more day-long fatigue and untimely naps. My digestion also improved. I could resume working full time with energy and mental sharpness, could practise sport without feeling constantly tired.
Dr Mirpuri also adjusted other hormonal treatments to my specific conditions, and I am seeing significant improvements overall. I have to continue working to improve other health issues.
Meeting Dr Mirpuri and following her treatment and recommendations has been a real life changer for me and I would never recommend her enough. She is an open minded doctor, she listens to her patients, she considers our symptoms and goes deep into searching what is behind our conditions.
I looked for Dr. Ivone Mirpuri, my colleague, because I have lost the “strength” a couple of years ago: lack of vitality, low libido, genital mucous dryness, etc.
I am very happy with the results: by the second month of hormonal replacement therapy, the genital mucous gain “healthy” moisture again, the libido increased and I started noticing men again! :))” M.C.
I came this way to express my deep thankfulness to this Lady, Doctor Ivone Mirpuri for her work ethic, know-how and affection given towards myself.
I have been diagnosed serious endometriosis back in 2012.
I was seen by several national specialists in this condition, and the only treatment proposed was always total hysterectomy and to take synthetic hormones. As always, I denied going through hysterectomy and taking synthetic hormones cause me harmful side effects to the body (and soul, as well!), the disease progressed to the point of compromising my piriformis muscle and sciatic nerve. At the moment, after hormonal modulation and consumption of the supplements adequate for this situation and prescribed by Doctor Ivone Mirpuri, I find myself with no symptomology (the vile pains that I felt disappeared) without any side effects.
I wish all the best to Doctor Ivone Mirpuri, as she makes the difference in the health of women!
Good morning, I believe it is important to testify about the best quality of life I have had, since I began in January 2017 this hormonal compensation treatment combined with supplementary diet and changes in my lifestyle, dietary and physical exercise wise.
I am 61 years old, just turned in March 2017, have had a thyroid carcinoma over 12 years ago. Twelve years ago was also when I initiated menopause.
I don’t know how to organise my testimony but I will run through the symptoms one by one.
I used to wake up several times during the night to go to the toilet and to drink a glass of water that I would place always on my bedside table. I started sleeping non-stop and the glass would stay there full everyday.
I suffered from urinary incontinence, when jumping, when running, I practiced gymnastics sometimes and suddenly I would feel afflicted and would loose control during sexual intercourse. Everyday I had a patch even if thin due to the incontinence, well, it was a disturbing.
It is amazing that I managed to get back control, to have the freedom of dressing swimwear and not being worried about nothing, not having to wear a patch and feeling worriless, without having to be alarmed over smells or wet clothes. I used to weight 97kgs which meant, lack of mobility, knee and joint pain, lack of self-esteem, tendency for high blood pressure.
Now I weight 79kg and the pains are gone, I no longer have high blood pressure and gain more energy and self-esteem.
Ever since I went under surgery for my thyroid in 2005, after a while I got gastro-oesophageal reflux and started taking omeprazole everyday for these 12 years with all the side effects that it does have to our future ageing process.
Since I started taking bioidentical hormone for my thyroid, I was able to stop taking omeprazole without experiencing anymore symptoms of heartburn, something that even myself could not believe but it happen and it was my confidence on Dr. Ivone that gave me the strength to do it.
The skin, the mood, the hair and I dare to say that the lips were getting too thin during the ageing process, which is something that changes our smile (it was never too thick) but improved a lot now.
The mood to have sexual intercourse wasn’t much and reaching an orgasm was very hard, vaginal dryness I have never had.
All of these changed to better, much better.
What else can I say? It was the best decision that I took last year, I improved my quality of life, my health, I gained energy, self-esteem and will continue to follow the guidance and treatments of Dr. Ivone.
Thank you doctor, for everything that you have done for me and for the affection that you have in what you do.
I went to Dr. Mirpuri’s appointment after realising that my menopause was being too aggressive. Several physical and psychological factors were surely reducing my quality of life and ability to work.
I had already the opinion of my gynaecologist and other doctors that are friends of mine in the sense of having hormonal compensation, and in conversations about the topic, I got referenced to Dr. Ivone, in the Av. Da República.
After a year of treatment I feel healthier, with more energy, better quality of life and improved my sleep pattern. I felt again more professionally competent, something that I thought I had lost.
At the age of 54, I still have 3 children at home and a mother to take care of. Professionally, I work in a commercial communication company and have a catering business that I support, and my financial reality requires me to work. As so, when starting to feel my ageing process in a vile way, in which the bone decompensation lead me to a temporary incapacity of work, I understood that I had the need to seek for competent help.
I found the explanation, the treatment and the support that I needed with Dr. Mirpuri. My objective was to stop, or to control what was deteriorating and causing my body to age in such a fast way.
I managed to reach my objective and on the top of that, I gain a healthier approach to maintain in life. The hormonal compensation that I do, as it is prescribed (Progesterone) same as when I did the therapies for the in-vito fertilisations, are to me a sensation of wellbeing that I thought I had lost. I am more lucid, more controlled. I sleep very well without the help of anti-depressants.
At the same time I began to have another dynamic in life, with less stress and more control over what I eat. I also make dietary compensation monitored by Dr. Mirpuri.
My body, slowly, has recovered its vitality and I managed to get back to practicing sports regularly. Before, I thought I would never be able to workout again.
I believe that the treatment, the recommendations and the care of Dr. Mirpuri are essential for my quality of life and with it I was able to achieve better results than with treatments I had taken previously.
The respect for age, wrinkles and for the normal decline in life are important for me, but the acceptance of these facts without depression and with strength, make ageing a proud and dignifying phase of life.
After 8 years of taking contraceptive pill without any interruptions (following the guidelines of my gynaecologist) I decided to stop taking it. During a year, I did not menstruate and no doctors presented me a solution that did not involve retaking the pill. I went to Dr. Ivone after being recommended by a friend that had the same problem. Dr. Ivone helped me to understand what was happening with my body and to analyse the results of the exams that I did. With Dr. Ivone’s recommendations, and without having to go for the pills, I was able to have my menstruation back in a natural way, within a couple of months. On the top of that, I have felt differences on my ability to focus, on my skin condition and my wellbeing overall. I believe there are few doctors capable of having such a complete approach as Dr. Ivone has when it comes to hormones and the wellbeing of women.
Approximately 5 years ago, I was diagnosed with polycystic ovaries. Along with very irregular menstruation periods, my hair began to fall, my skin got acne, I had mood swings frequently and worst than all was the increased risk of developing other diseases, as serious as Type 2 Diabetes and endometrium cancer.
After several treatments that were not successful and even cause side effects, I looked for Dr. Ivone Mirpuri. With a few changes in my eating habits, regular workout, good rest and dietary supplementation, my ovaries regularised and I started to menstruate regularly again.
Today, a year after completing the treatment with Dr. Ivone, I feel better than ever, my skin improved, my hair looks great, I am healthier and better than all, my ovaries stopped being polycystic.
I would like to thank a lot Dr Ivone for everything that she has being doing for me, for her great work ethic, knowledge, caring and availability.
I started treatment with Dra Ivone Mirpuri in September 2015.
Prior to this time I had been suffering greatly and went from being an active, young attractive woman with her own business to being a self loathing mess!
I had a hysterectomy some years before and was on estradiol in tablet format. I was feeling so low with depression, weight gain, forgetfulness, low libido and generally feeling like an old woman. I had only just turned 40, how could this be?
I decided that educating myself was on the only way forward and thus started my journey on bioidentical hormones. I went to the States often to see family and friends and read many good reports about this treatment so I decided to look into it in more detail. I found Doctor Ivone and made my appointment accordingly.
I was quite apprehensive at first and my first consultation was in depth. There were various tests and procedures to do prior to starting any medication, and Dra Ivone was very thorough She went through all my past medical history in minute detail.
I started on bio identical hormone treatment in the form of estradiol gel, with progesterone as well as testosterone therapy. I had never taken progesterone before, or even been recommended to do so. I immediately felt the benefit, and for the first time in years I slept well.
Unfortunately it took time to feel well again as Dr Ivone discovered I also had a thyroid problem. I visited many doctors before, all said there was no thyroid issue as my blood tests were “normal”. It was suggested I was depressed and should start therapy for this to make myself better. I was not depressed but literally crying out for a doctor to listen to me! Being a highly educated woman it was not pleasant to be treated like a naughty child for daring to question alternative therapies.
It is almost a year since I saw Dr Ivone, I am now on bio identical sex hormones as well as natural desiccated thyroid medication and I can honestly say I have never felt better. My weight is beginning to stabilise and I have energy to do things I would not have dreamed of before! I am no longer feeling depressed or low and can function well. This for me is like a light has been turned on in a dark room.
I am so grateful to have found a doctor that listened and worked with me where others would not. What works for one person doesn’t work for another. We are not statistics but human beings, and should be treated as such.”
“I was taking T4 for years and did not feel any better, still having the same symptoms. After switching to T3+T4 (Natural Dissecated Thyroid) and finding the right dose for me I very quickly noticed man improvements and now I feel really good.”
Nearly a year ago, I felt depressive, tired and drained. I could feel the weight of my age – and the age in the weight. But I didn’t feel like getting comfortable with the idea that “there was nothing left to do but accept it.”
I started being monitored by Dr. Ivone, who made me reflect in the ways that our body functions and how we harm it without realizing it.
Today I follow – almost – by heart her advices and I feel an undeniable difference. I feel more active, in a better mood but also very peaceful. I work out almost everyday with my daughters, aged 16 and 19 years old and they can notice that I have more resistance, more strength and more motivation than them.
I started feeling the 30s energy but with the maturity and calm of the 47s.
A life changer.
I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism in 2015, after several years where symptoms made daily life difficult but doctors consulted back then considered them due to stress or lack of vitamins.
I was initially treated with Eutirox, which worked for the first 6 months. After that I started re-experiencing the same symptoms again – constant fatigue, brain fog, weak memory, body weakness, digestive issues. In the meanwhile I moved to Portugal, and I started researching options and alternatives to treat effectively thyroid diseases. The constant fatigue kept making daily tasks a struggle, I had to take two naps a day, morning and afternoon, as I was falling asleep at work or home. I had no energy for social activities I used to enjoy and all I could think of was resting.
Through reading and researching I had identified bio-identical hormones as a possible solution to my condition, as well as making dietary changing eliminating gluten and lactose from my diet.
I found Dr Mirpuri’s website, read about her approach to thyroid treatment and hormonal conditions and booked an appointment. She changed my thyroid treatment to natural dried thyroid which combines all thyroid hormones, adding after a few months also T3. One month after starting this combined therapy I started seeing significant changes to my conditions. My brain was clear, memory improved, no more day-long fatigue and untimely naps. My digestion also improved. I could resume working full time with energy and mental sharpness, could practise sport without feeling constantly tired.
Dr Mirpuri also adjusted other hormonal treatments to my specific conditions, and I am seeing significant improvements overall. I have to continue working to improve other health issues.|
Meeting Dr Mirpuri and following her treatment and recommendations has been a real life changer for me and I would never recommend her enough. She is an open minded doctor, she listens to her patients, she considers our symptoms and goes deep into searching what is behind our conditions.”